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Dr.Sanjana Sainani
Know the Doctor
Gynecologist and Laparoscopic & Hysteroscopic Surgeon
Dr.Sanjana Sainani
- MBBS Sep 2005 — June 2010 (NKP Salve Institute Medical Sciences, Nagpur)
- MS (OBGY) June 2011 — May 2014 (NKP Salve Institute Medical Sciences, Nagpur)
- FMIGS (Fellowship in Minimal Invasive Gynaec Surgery and Hysteroscopy (MUHS university) 1st Batch Oct 2015 — Nov 2016 (Galaxy Care Laparoscopy Institute, Pune)
Key Skills
- Performed successfully Lap Total Hysterectomy in various simple as well as previous one scar cases.
- Performed Lap adhesiolysis in cases of prev scar and dense adhesions.
- Performed Lap Myomectomy , ovarian cystectomies, chocolate cyst removal.
- Performed Lap pararectal , paravesical spaces dissection along with Lap Lymph node dissection in various cases.
- Performed various diagnostic and Operative Hsyteroscopies and Lap in cases of infertility.
- Performed various Office hysteroscopies with endometrial biopsies in cases of AUB and targeted biopsies in endometrial cancer.
- Assisted Lap Radical Hysterectomies in cases of Ca cervix and ca ovary.
- Assisted various Lap VVF and UVF repairs.
- Performed colposcopies.
- Assisted Various Hysteroscopic procedures like polyp removal, myomectomies, Asherman’s synd.
- Assisted rare cases like Lap radical trachelectomy, Mulerian Anomalies, vulvectomy
- Performed Caesarean section in cases of prev 3 caesarean sections with dense adhesions, endometriosis.
- Performed LSCS in varioud High risk pregnancies in GDM, PIH, Eclampsia.
- Performed Office Hysteroscopic removal of RPOC’s in cases of incomplete abortion.
- Performed uterine artery and internal iliac artery ligation in cases of PPH.
- Perfromed Lap Tubal ligation ,lap Ectopic surgeries.
- Performed various LSCS and other minor procedures.
Our Specialties